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Dr Priyanka

Dr Priyanka Shelke-Kolekar

MD (HOM)Pediatrics - Pediatrician and Family Physician in India

Experience in treating cases of Autism spectrum disorders

Shree Eon Diagnostics, Neel Aspire CHS, Old Panvel, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra 410206

Succesfully Treated 500+ Paitents

The Known Homoeopathic Pediatrician in Old Panvel


Homoeopathy is a form of complementary/alternative medicine which is considered as a safe and effective from of treatment for children and adults. The number of patients using complementary medicine, including homeopathy are growing worldwide. The use of complementary medicine,however, is not limited to adult but is also common in children (11-18%) with homeopathy being one of the most popular systems.

Homoeopathy has distinct advantage for treatment of health related problems of women during pregnancy and in post natal period and for ailments of children. The therapy is safe, effective, and economical.

Homoeopathy a system of medicine which is most suited to child care because of its efficacy as well as its mild and gently way to treatment be side children respond readily to the system because they are closer to nature and their expression are not masked. Moreover, unlike the adult children are generally not over drugged.

Homoeopathy History

Homeopathy was introduced over 200 years ago by a German Doctor, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann and has produced significant wellness benefits, especially for new-borns, infants and children.

The benefits of Homeopathy have been shown to help raise your child’s immune system to help prevent and reduce the illness time for common childhood illnesses like fever, sore throat, colds, and flu.  Less time being sick means more time for your child to be a child.

Homeopathic medicines are prepared mainly from herbs, vegetables, and minerals.  The amount given is such a small dosage that it is 100% non-toxic, having no adverse effects whatsoever.

Unlike antibiotics and other such medicines, homeopathic pills do not interfere with regular digestion; does not lower immune resistance; does not produce allergies. Long-term homeopathic treatments are easily sustainable. As a bonus Homeopathic pills are sweet and children will not fuss or stress about taking their “medicine”.

With Homeopathic medicine your child’s health and wellness can be maintained easily with an all natural, no harmful side effects approach.

Since Homeopathy treats the whole child and not just the symptoms the “side-effects” can be extremely pleasant in unexpected ways.


Samuel Hahnemann

Knowing The Child


Knowing The Child

A child is product of environmental surrounding of mother during pregnancy, birth and in the early years of rearing of child. In the present era of rapid scientific progress and as a consequence of advances in molecular biology, genetics and immunology, the approaches to the management of many disorders in children are changing constantly. The effects of different factor, from the day of conception, on the intrauterine life of the fetus which make great contribution to the disposition of the child are well known. From the day of birth the infant undergoes lots of changes, and a rapid physical and mental growth take place. A child has to be assessed according to it. So, that the individuality and totality of the child is understood properly.

Knowing The Parents

These days, parents are more and more concerned with the health care of the child especially when he is sick. With enlarging trend towards nuclear family, with both parents working, and consequent pressure on time, it is often found that the parents develop a guilty and attention to the child especially when its emotional needs are intense. Even when the child is sick, the parents cannot afford to spend sufficient time with him. And in order to find a quick solution, they rush from physician to physician in search of the best and instant treatment. Some parents, because of their guilty conscience, and to impress the spouse, do not mind spending any amount of money for the treatment which might not be necessary in a large number of cases. In the process, even trivial and self limiting complaints are treated by some physician with unnecessary drugging. some time this is dangerous.

The homoeopathy helps the parents to understand the child better both in health and sickness. So, that unnecessary anxiety and drugging are avoided.

Knowing The Parents

Knowing The Parents

Role of homoeopathy in pediatrics


Respiratory Disorders


Respiratory Disorders


It is commonly seen that most children come in for respiratory allergies or infections. Our medication has a definite role in treatment of respiratory disorders such as Asthma,Rhinitis,Bronchitis, Allergies and Pharyngitis.

Following are the studies which highlight efficacy of homoeopathy in below particular cases:

  1. A study based on of Cost-benefit evaluation of homoeopathic versus conventional therapy in respiratory diseases. was conducted which concluded that the Costs for homeopathic therapy are significantly lower than those for conventional Pharmacological therapy.
  2. A multicentric, observational, prospective study (Open clinical trial) carried on Bronchial Asthmatic patients showed that the homoeopathic medicines have a role in managing acute attacks of bronchial asthma as well as in controlling recurrent attacks.
  3. A multi-centric open clinical trial study indicated the usefulness of homoeopathic medicines in the management of acute rhinitis of children with its efficacy and effectiveness.


Diarrhea is one of the most frequently encountered problems in pediatric age group. The severity of diarrhea infection varies from patient to patient and from few loose stools with discomfort to severe dehydration.


Recently there has been a constant increase in the number of cases of allergy, particularly in developed countries, to such an extent that expressions like “disease of the third millennium” and “allergic epidemic” have been used to describe the phenomenon. There has been an increase in the use of ‘complementary’ or ‘alternative’ medicine in patients affected by skin disease, in particular those with chronic or inflammatory dermatosis. The following data suggests the utility of homoeopathy.

  1. A study of efficacy of Homoeopathy in pediatric atopic diseases showed that there was a significant reduction in tendency to maintain atopic dermatitis and to develop asthma (and allergic rhinitis) in adult age.
  2. Another study of Homooeopathic versus conventional therapy for atopic eczema in children concluded that Homeopathy & conventional treatment are equally effective.


ADHD, Autism, Mental retardation are common causes of consultation for homoeopaths,since our system deals with both mental and physical symptoms of children.

Webster’s Universal Dictionary defines temperament as “a characteristic combination of bodily,mental, and moral qualities, which together constitute the character and disposition of an individual and predispose him to act and behave in a particular manner”. Every child though not diseased has certain traits / temperaments, which may not be suited to their growth. Each 30 child develops certain behaviors or habits, which are quite often out of proportion. For example, some of the children want to cling to the mother strongly while sleeping and without the mother they can’t sleep. Some children in anger break things and hit others, while some are so shy that they hide or run away the moment they see any stranger or guest.

These behaviors do not show any obvious signs of illness, but are indications, which point to their inner disturbances. Every Homoeopath tries to understand these inner disturbances, through various clues, such as fears, dreams, fantasies, preferred movies and cartoons, their reaction to illness etc. By understanding all this and subsequently treating them, it not only frees the child of his disease and enhances his immunity, but it improves the child’s attitude towards life. It channels the child’s energy in a proper direction, so he can explore his potential and creativity to the maximum.

  1. A study was conducted to obtain scientific evidence of the effectiveness of homoeopathy in ADHD. These trial suggested the scientific evidence of the effectiveness of homeopathy in the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, particularly in the areas of behavioral and cognitive functions.
  2. Another Study was conducted to identify a group of most useful homoeopathic medicines in the treatment of behavioral problems found in mentally challenged children and to identify their reliable indications, most useful potencies, frequency of administration and relationship with other medicines.
    Medicine like Belladonna, Baryta carb, Baryta mur etc. showed improvement in common behavioral problems of mentally challenged children like aggressiveness, destructiveness, disruptiveness etc.
  3. A study on Homoeopathic approach in the treatment of patients with mental disability was found to be a useful alternative to relieve pathologies associated with mental disability.

Choosing Homoeopathy for Children

Homoeopathy is one of the, most dynamic form of medicine in the world today. Homoeopathy can become one of the preferred methods of treatment especially for children. Homoeopathy act on the children, there they increasing the resistance of the individual to fight the disease. The medicine helps to boost the immune system and thus help the individual to fight the disease. Because, the doses are too small and effective treatment can be achieved without dangerous side effects often associated with conventional medicine. The homoeopathic medicine are pleasant tasting and easy to take, it treat the children as a whole rather than just their symptoms, it is an ideal treatment for children.

For children with acute as well as in chronic illness, constitutional homoeopathy care can offers one type of approach that addresses the underlying causes o the illness and hopefully presents solution to difficult physical, emotional,behavioral ,and psychological problems.

In constitutional treatment homoeopathy remedy can cover children as a whole complete physical, mental, and emotional state.

Homoeopathy medicine are prepared mainly from herbs, animal, vegetable kingdom, mineral and are given in very minute doses so that they are 100% non toxic, having no adverse effect. any toxic effect of a crude substance in nature disappear when that substance is prepared homeopathically. Also unlike antibiotics and other such medicine, homoeopathic pills do not hamper digestion. Homeopathic medication are mildly sweet, liquid, powder and pills are palatable even new born babies can take it. It does not lower resistance power. Homoeopathy stimulate Childs own curative power to cure them. Homoeopathy can help personal growth of children

Top 10 Homeopathic Medicines For Your Child!

Becoming a parent completely changes your world. You are more concerned about your kids health, their safety, diet and hygiene. All you want to provide them is best of everything. Now a days parents are aware of the side effects caused by conventional medicines. Hence most of the parents opt for safe and natural way of treating even minor ailments.

Homeopathic medicines are the most safest and side effect free compared to other holistic treatment available. Hence millions of the parents across the globe prefer homeopathy over any other mode of treatment for their kids. Due to the safety these medicines provide, it is ideal treatment option for infants, toddlers and older children.

Homeopathy medicines are effective in treating various symptoms that a child faces. It could be allergies, simple cold, fever, infantile colic, constipation, earaches, dentition problems or even behavioural disorders, homeopathy has a cure for all. The medicines work on strengthening the immunity and hence keep illnesses away.

Here are the top 10 homeopathic medicines you can keep it with you to deal with minor health issues if your child

  1. Aconitum Napellus
    • Sudden high fever with a red dry face and lots of anxiety
    • Croup attack in the middle of the night
  2. Allium Cepa
    • colds or allergies with lots of sneezing, itchy, watery runny nose and watery eyes
  3. Apis Mellifica
    • any rash that is itchy, red, and stinging and feels better with an ice pack on it (insect bites, hives, sunburn)
  4. Arnica
    • the #1 medicine for any ache, bruise, sprain, head bonk, or trauma of any sort. A must in any parents diaper bag or backpack!
    • also great for use topically as a cream or gel (just don't apply to cuts or scrapes as it can be irritating to open skin)
  5. Arsenicum Album
    • the #1 medicine for vomiting and diarrhea from stomach flu or food poisoning with weakness and anxiety
    • asthma attacks in the middle of the night
  6. Belladonna
    • sudden high fever with clammy, bright red face and agitation. Your child may even be a little delirious.
  7. Chamomilla
    • teething pain with lots of irritability and crankiness. There may be associated ear pain, green diarrhea, and lowgrade fever
  8. Ferrum phosphoricum
    • the #1 medicine to start when your child has an earache
    • low-grade fevers that come on slowly at the start of any illness
  9. Hepar Sulphuris (for this medicine, please use a 30c dilution)
    • Swimmer's ear
    • Anything with pus (earaches with thick pus behind the eardrum, abscesses or boils, etc.)
    • Stinging sore throat as though there were a splinter stuck in it
  10. Nux Vomica
    • Upset tummy from too many sweets or indulgences, vomiting helps your child feel better
    • Anger and irritability with difficulty sleeping when really stressed (i. E, when school demands are too high)
    • Colds or allergies with lots of sneezing, itchy, watery runny nose and watery eyes

Some guidelines to remember-


I recommend dilution of 30c. In general, though the potency selected depend on your child's symptoms


  • Will be same for all age:- 3 pellets
  • Repetition of dosage depends on the severity of illness. For hives, you may be giving the pellets every 1/2-1 hour, whereas for a bruised shin you may be giving pellets 2-3x/day.
  • Try to give the pellets away from food and drink by at least 15-20 minutes. But don't worry if that doesnot happen it still works! the main thing to avoid is minty foods, drinks or toothpaste close to taking the medicines.

You are on your way to make your own homeopathic kit!

Be sure to check with your paediatrician if you child continues to have fever for more than 2 days, if the child is acting confused, if he/she has any breathing troubles, or if he/she looks dehydrated or is in severe pain.

In case you have a concern or query you can always consult us & get answers to your questions!

Homoeopathy Results



Nobody knows the exact cause of autism. All medical science knows is that it’s a complex neurological disorder which is detected within the first three years of life and is caused due to structural changes in the brain. Autism causes a number of symptoms which grade from mild to moderate to severe, like-

  • Difficulty in communication and social interaction
  • Language impairment
  • Preoccupation with fantasies
  • Repetitive acts (echolalia)
  • Excessive possessiveness to certain objects
  • Intellectual impairment
  • Over-sensitivity or under-sensitivity to pain
  • Developmental problems


Genetic predisposition is the most common cause of autism. Exposure to environmental toxins is the other. Other causes are use of certain drugs during pregnancy, vaccinations etc.


Diagnosis of autism can only be done by clinical evaluation as there are no laboratory tests for it. The psychiatrist prepares a detailed developmental case history of the child before arriving at a diagnosis.

There are a number of Autism screening tests to diagnose autism as well. One thing to always follow is to go to a psychologist who has a history of treatment of autistic disorders.


Theories are emerging that autism may be caused by a super sensitive child’s response to foods like gluten found in grains and casein, a protein found in milk. These transform into substances that act like opiates in the child’s body.

These drug-like substances alter the child’s behaviour, his perceptions, and his responses to his environment. Recent research has found chemicals with opiate activity in the urine of a significant number of children with autism.

Autistic children have shown mild to dramatic improvements in speech, behaviour after going on a gluten-free, casein-free (GFCF) diet.

Some of the foods that can be eaten on GFCF diet include rice, quinoa, potato, buckwheat flour, soy, amaranth, corn, fruits, vegetables, beans, tapioca, meat, poultry, fish, shellfish, nuts, eggs, and sorghum, among others.

Homoeopathic treatment of Autism:

The homoeopath carries out a detailed study of the family history of serious diseases which are linked to the development of autism in his patient.

The genetic evaluation of the patient is followed by case analysis which takes into account impaired functions in the patient like repetitive behaviour, lack of social skills, speech issues etc.

The homoeopathic medicines indicated for autism are twenty and are usually given in combinations. A homoeopath takes the decision about the exact medicine to be given, its combination with other support medicines, the dose and its repetition based on the case history of the child.

By no means should one try to cure autism by self-medicating on homoeopathic medicines as this can cause deleterious effects.

It usually takes a minimum of six months for some perceptible changes in autistic children. Homoeopathic treatment may have to be continued for over a year if the symptoms of autism are very severe.

In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!

Corn Hand
Corn Leg

Corns are small, hard, thick, rough, dead areas on the skin of hands or feet caused by excessive friction, rubbing or pressure. The most common areas for corns are feet, toes, hands and fingers.

Corns are white or grey or brown or yellow in color, depending on the site.

What Are The Types Of Corns?

Corns can either be soft or hard. Soft corns form in between the fourth and fifth toe. They are small, painful, inflamed patch of skin with a smooth center while hard corns are firm, dry and tender lesion with a shiny polished surface. They usually occur on top of the toes or on the sides of the feet.

How Does One Get Them?

They are formed out of a protective response to save the skin from the effects of excessive pressure and friction. Triggers include:

  • Repeated use of shoes or footwear that are too tight or or too loose, or ill fitted high heels
  • A Long continued standing schedule or profuse sweat on the feet
  • Patients of medical conditions such as diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis and obesity are at greater risk of complications arising from corns such as bleeding and infection.

How Can Corns Be Prevented?

If you are prone to getting corns on your hands or feet, you can prevent them by following these simple tips

  • You can use a pumice stone regularly to gently remove hard skin
  • Corns on your feet can be prevented by wearing comfortable and well - fitting shoes
  • Corns on hands can be prevented by wearing padded gloves while using a tool such as when gardening or lifting weights
  • You can wear protective coverings like non medicated corn pads or bandages, felt pads over areas that rub against your footwear
  • Apply over the counter pads to protect the area where a corn developed previously
  • If you are prone to having corns then consult with specialist (Podiatrist) for proper shape and size of your shoes

How Does Homeopathy Help In Treating Corns?

  • The conventional method of treating corns involves surgery. But this is not a permanent solution, since corns have a tendency to recur
  • Going for pedicures and home remedies like cutting or trimming corns can aggravate the condition and lead to unnecessary injury
  • Homeopathy offers a safe and long-term remedy. It offers a pain-free and inexpensive alternative to surgical removal and assures a permanent cure
  • Corns do not recur once treated successfully with homeopathy
  • Homeopathic treatment is painless and effective and involves only natural medicines taken orally in the form of pills, making it easy to take them
  • The medicines are also free of harmful side-effects
  • Homeopathic medicines recommended for corns include Antimonium crudum, Sulphur, Ferrum Pic, Nitic Acid, Hepar sulph, Silicea, Ranunculus Bulbosus and Lycopodium.


Hemifacial Spasm is a nervous system disorder characterised by involuntary twitching of muscles on one side of the face.

These result from irritation of the facial nerve that causes involuntary muscle contraction. Another name for these spasms is tic convulsif. Homeopathic remedies for hemifacial spasm help in relaxing the muscles and provide relief in this condition.

Initially there occurs twitching of the eyelid, mouth or cheek muscles and with time these spread to other areas of the face and in some cases the entire face.

Both males and females can be affected with hemifacial spasm. But mostly women above the age of 40 years are affected with it.


The main symptom is involuntarily twitching of muscles on one side of the face.

They mostly start in the eyelid known as blepharospasm. The intensity varies and in starting mostly these are mild twitches and with advancing time can become more severe. In severe cases they may cause complete closing of the eye from spasm.

Anxiety and tiredness tend to worsen the twitching. Initially the twitches tend to come and go but with time they may become continuous.

Afterwards the twitching involves other areas of the face of the same side. These include cheeks, eyebrow, parts around the mouth, lips, jaw, chin and upper part of the neck. The spasm may pull the mouth to one side.


The facial muscles are under the control of the facial nerve. This nerve carries signals from the brain to facial muscles to cause its contraction or relaxation. But if something causes irritation of this nerve or puts pressure on this nerve, then it can affect the nerve signals that are being carried to the face. Then it can lead to twitching or contraction of muscle at other times when they are not supposed to contract.

Mostly it arises when a blood vessel touches a facial nerve. Other than this it may also happen from a tumour putting pressure on this nerve. Also, injury or damage to the facial nerve may also be a cause.

In many cases there is no specific cause.

In very rare cases it may be an initial symptom of multiple sclerosis (An autoimmune system in which the immune cells attacks and damages the myelin sheath that covers nerve fibers).

Sometimes these twitches involve all the muscles on the entire one side of the face.

The spasms may also occur during sleep.

The left side of the face is usually more affected as compared to the right side.

Some symptoms that can accompany are pain in ear usually behind the ears, ringing noises in ear and difficulty in hearing.


These spasms are characterised under two forms - typical and atypical form. These spasms are said to be typical when the spasm starts in the eyelid and afterwards spreads to the lower part of the face.

In case of atypical form the spasm begins in the cheek bone area and then spreads to the eyelids.

Homeopathic Remedies for Hemifacial Spasm

Homeopathic medicines are very effective in managing cases of hemifacial spasm. With its use the intensity and frequency of complaint reduces gradually. These medicines are prepared from naturally occurring substances so are very safe and gentle to use. These treat this condition in a very natural way without any side effects.

The best suitable homeopathic medicine for a case is selected after detailed case analysis in every individual case.

1. Zincum Met - Top Grade Medicine

It is a leading medicine for managing cases of hemifacial spasm. It is beneficial when there is twitching of the lower lid of the left side. It is also helpful for managing jerking in the left eyebrow. Next it works well when there is spasms and twitching of muscles of the face. Twitching in the upper lip on the left side is another symptom calling for its use.

2.Causticum - For Eyelid and Facial Muscle Twitching

This medicine also has a marked action on the nerves and muscles. It offers help to manage twitching of eyelids. Other than this it proves effective in cases where twitching of muscles of the face especially on the left side is present.

3.Opium - For Facial Twitching at Corners of Mouth

Its use is highly recommended for managing the twitching at the corners of mouth. The mouth may appear distorted with this. Its use may also be done in twitching of other facial muscles. There occurs spasmodic motion of facial muscles with trembling in such cases.


The thyroid is one of an essential endocrine gland that secretes hormones, which are essential for regulating various body functions. A change in the level of thyroid hormones can affect body metabolism and cause many changes including weight, mood, temperature regulation, etc. Here we try to found out homeopathic remedies for Hypothyroidism And Hyperthyroidism problems.

Cause of Hypothyroidism

  • Caused by reduced amounts of thyroid hormone in circulation.
  • Iodine deficiency and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (an autoimmune disorder) are the main causes of hypothyroidism.
  • Symptoms include extreme fatigue, constipation, depression, intolerance to cold, puffiness of the face, weight gain, hoarseness of voice, increased cholesterol level, muscle aches, joint pains, and menstrual issues, are some of the common symptoms.

Top 5 Homeopathy Medicine For Thyroid Problem

Sepia Officinalis: Used when the patient presents with the following symptoms.

  • Weak, slightly yellow appearance
  • A tendency to faint, especially when in cold temperatures
  • Extreme intolerance to cold, even in warm surroundings
  • Increased irritability
  • Hair loss
  • Increased menstrual flow that occurs ahead of schedule
  • Constipation
  • Increased desire for pickles and acidic foodstuff
  • Calcarea Carbonica: This popular homeopathic medicine is useful when patients present with the following symptoms of Hypothyroidism And Hyperthyroidism.
  • Fat, flabby, fair person
  • Increased intolerance to cold
  • Excessive sweating, especially in the head
  • Aversion to fatty foods
  • Peculiar food habits including a craving for eggs, chalk, pencils, lime,
  • Increased menstruation that is also prolonged and is associated with feet turning cold
  • Lycopodium Clavatum: Useful in patients who present with these symptoms:
  • Physically weakened
  • Increased irritability
  • Excessive hair fall
  • The face is pale yellow with blue circles around the eyes
  • Craving for foods that are hot and sweet
  • Acidity that is worse in the evenings
  • Gastric issues including excessive flatulence
  • Constipation with painful, hard, incomplete stooling
  • Graphites: Presenting symptoms when this home remedy Graphites are mainly used includes:
  • Obesity
  • Intolerance to cold
  • Depressed emotionally, timid, indecisive, weeping, listening to music
  • Bloated, gassy abdomen
  • Chronic constipation with hard, painful stooling process
  • Lodium: This Homeopathic medicine Lodium is very useful when patient suffer these symptoms:
  • Good appetite but lose weight quickly
  • Tendency to eat at regular intervals
  • Excessive warmth and need to stay in a cool environment
  • Anxiety about present
  • Excessive palpitations
  • Lachesis Mutus:This homeopathic remedies Lachesis Mutus is very useful in these symptoms to treat this symptoms of throid gland problem.
  • Feeling extremely hot, so inability to wear tight clothes
  • Generally sad with no inclination to do any work
  • Tendency to stay aloof and alone
  • Excessive talkativeness
  • Women around menopausal age
  • These are commonly used remedies; however, a detailed discussion with your homoeopath is essential to zero in on the remedy that will work best for you. In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!

The thyroid is one of an essential endocrine gland that secretes hormones, which are essential for regulating various body functions. A change in the level of thyroid hormones can affect body metabolism and cause many changes including weight, mood, temperature regulation, etc. Here we try to found out homeopathic remedies for Hypothyroidism And Hyperthyroidism problems.

Homeopathic remedies are safe for babies and children to take, are not ‘drugs’, and can be used alongside conventional medication (complementary) or as an alternative option.

Babies often respond very quickly to homeopathic treatment and these are easy to administer as drops. Children cope well with remedies given as powders, granules or little pillules to suck.

Giving the mother a remedy will often help both mother and baby (particularly if she is breast-feeding).

Homeopathy can provide useful support throughout the many stages of childhood.

The child’s constitution naturally evolves as the challenges of growing up are met. Sometimes problems may arise and be hard to elicit from a child but may be expressed as physical symptoms (eg a rash, recurrent tummy ache, behaviour problems ,sleep problems or nightmares, bed wetting). Parents can often describe their childs’ characteristics very clearly to the homeopath. This ‘whole person’holistic homeopathic approach can be very helpfulin helping young children.

Our medical homeopath may discuss contacting your GP or specialist (with your permission) if the baby or child develops signs or symptoms that need investigating further, or may advise medical treatment from the GP, whilst continuing to provide complementary support with homeopathy.

Homeopathy is safe for women to use during pregnancy and post-natally, including during breastfeeding. It is a gentle yet effective system of medicine and the remedies are highly diluted and are not chemical drugs, so they cannot harm the baby.

Childbirth can be quite a daunting prospect for mothers and these sort of concerns can be discussed during a homeopathic consultation. As the growing baby is considered an integral part of the mother, an appropriate homeopathic remedy that stimulates the vitality of the mother and allays her fears and anxieties can be expected to benefit the baby too. Many midwives are happy for women to use homeopathic remedies during labour and birth, even though the midwife may not have any specific homeopathic knowledge herself. So do discuss this with her at ante-natal visits.

There are remedy kits providing “Homeopathy for Childbirth” available from homeopathic pharmacies with instructions to follow. Discussions with our homeopath on how to use these appropriately can be helpful to the prospective parents.

After the birth, homeopathy may be used to accelerate natural healing for both mother and baby and thereby help the mother recover well. Several remedies help with feeding issues and easing these symptoms and may allow a mother to enjoy feeding her infant for longer